This project (2020-1-IT02-KA204-079434) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



kick-off meeting My Health Friend Project

On March 1, 2023, a significant event unfolded in Nice, marking a pivotal moment in the Alcotrà MYHEALTHFRIEND project. Hosted by the lead partner, Nice CHU Hospital, the event delved into the intersection of cross-border health needs, digitization, and wellness medicine. Partners ASL CN1 and ASL CN2 were integral to the project, joined by ASL TO3 as an expert body focused on empowering citizens to safeguard their health through digital e-learning systems.

During the event, attendees were presented with the MYH4D I.O., showcasing exemplary tools for fostering community health literacy. These innovative resources were highlighted as essential components in the promotion of public health awareness and education. The event served as a platform for collaboration, knowledge exchange, and the advancement of strategies aimed at addressing contemporary health challenges across borders.


Move your Hand for Dementia - Interview by Serena Zucchi

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Serena Zucchi a psychologist and psychotherapist at ASL Torino 3 and project manager of the Move Your Hands for Dementia (YH4D) project tells Tuscan Museums for Alzheimer's, an associate partner of the project. Goals, results, spin-offs and future prospects for people living with dementia and their families.



The CME course aimed at health professionals from Piedmont's ASLs, social welfare consortia and voluntary associations is aimed at learning the main psychoeducational, psychosocial and neurocognitive intervention models useful in achieving the best quality of life after the diagnosis of Neurocognitive Disorder.
With an eye toward the person and the search for personalized pathways, social-relational interventions for the well-being of the patient and his or her family unit will, in addition, be examined. MYH4D is recommended as a tool to support family members and people living with dementia in acquiring tools and best practices for improving quality of life.


End of the MYH4D project

We reached the end of this beautiful project. All the partners are happy with the final products developed and will commit to keeping the project alive by using the material in the courses while sharing the results with their network.


Recommendations in national languages

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Project partners have finalised the translation of the Recommendations into their national languages.
The Recommendations are now online on the project portal in the related section.


Multiplier Event in Slovenia

On 15 December 2022, ZDUS organised the Multiplier Event in Slovenia. In the first part of the event, the MYH4D-associated partner BrainTrip (a neuroscience company) presented the preliminary results of the screening tests for early detection of dementia and in the second part all 3 MYH4D intellectual outputs were presented.


Multiplier event in Greece

The University of Peloponnese has organised the multiplier event of the Move Your Hands For Dementia Erasmus+ project. The invitation of the event was send to the local media and to selected representatives from the potential beneficiaries of the project. During the event almost 50 participants attended the multiplier event and the related workshop that has been organised by the University.


Multiplier event in Cyprus

The event took place in the conference room of the ‘Ayia Sophia’ church in Nicosia, Cyprus on the 07 December 2022. In order to reach more participants from the target groups of carers, seniors and policy makers the event was organized in collaboration with one of the associated partners of the project, ‘Ayia Marina’ care home for the elderly and reached 37 participants in total. The participants were coming from various backgrounds such as adult educators, policy makers at a local and regional level, formal and non-formal carers and seniors who shown an interest in the topic.


Recommendations are online!

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The Recommendations in English are now ready and online on the MYH4D project portal!
Soon, the version in national languages will be finalised and uploaded as well to reach the highest number of end-users and target group of the project.


Multiplier Event in Belgium

On 22/11/2022, the Belgian Multiplier Event took place in Kortrijk. At the community center in Bellegem. We forwarded the invitation in advance to our associated partners, organisations working with people with dementia, adult education schools and city council. The aim is to introduce and make the MYH4D project known to partners in education and care.


Final Partners' Meeting

The final partners’ meeting took place in Kortrijk, Belgium, on 17 – 18 November 2022. Serena Zucchi from ASLTO3 (IT) and Andrea Anzanello from Pixel (IT) presented to the current situation of all the activities.
During the meeting, project partners had the chance to discuss common doubts and ask questions to have a clear idea of the activities to be done to finalise the project.
At the end of the meeting all the partners were satisfied with the decisions taken and ready to wrap up the project in the best way. Partners discussed also for future cooperation.


Multiplier Event in Spain

The meetings were held in two different venues: Complutense University of Madrid and Ortega-Marañón Foundation (Madrid). The organizers decided to hold two events on Nov 16 and on Dec 12.
In total, 18 and 22 participants participated in each event. Both events followed the same program and had the same presenters to guarantee the same quality of each event.


32nd Alzheimer Europe Conference

Alzheimer Europe Federation organised the 32nd Alzheimer Europe Conference with the Societatea Română Alzheimer in Bucharest, Romania from 17 to 19 October 2022.

The Conference was attended by more than 500 people from attendees and online registrants.

There were three days of sessions at present, online and hybrid.
During the third day Wednesday, 19 October 2022 in the Morning Plenary: Building bridges across Europe through cross-border initiatives and research (Hybrid) prof. Alexander Kurz, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technical University of Munich mentioned MYH4D as one of the 20 European projects of the year to promote good dementia care throughout Europe.


Multiplier Event in Bulgaria

Оn 21 September 2022 Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria organized and conducted a multiplier event with more than 40 participants for presentation and dissemination of the results of the project “Move your hands for dementia”.
The event acquainted the audience with the problems and ways for combating stigma around Alzheimer's disease. The short film related to dementia "The Thief" has been projected. The film won the award "Best script award London" and was realized with the financial support of the Program "Culture" of Sofia Municipality and Foundation Compassion Alzheimer Bulgaria.


Meetings with stakeholders

Project partners are finalising the meetings with stakeholders and policymakers at the national level to gather information to be used and improve the Recommendations addressed to EDA leaders and policymakers which will be finalised in the future months of the MYH4D project.


Online partners meeting to discuss IO3

Project partners met online to discuss and finalise the development of Intellectual Output 3, which consists of a set of Recommendations addressed to EDA leaders and policymakers.
Partners agreed to finalise the English version by September and then translate the material to be uploaded on the project portal.


Community of Practice

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The final version of the Community of Practices in English and national languages is now online and accessible through the project website.
Partners will still improve it till the end of the project thanks to the feedback of end-users who are starting using it.


Muovi le mani per la demenza, Giornata di presentazione dei risultati

The Multiplier Event took place in San Secondo di Pinerolo (IT) on 10 June 2022.
76 people participated in the event.
The participants were mainly adults educators who belonged to different organisations: associated partners, local stakeholders, national health service, caregivers and citizens, people with dementia


Third partners' Meeting

The fourth partners’ meeting took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 19 – 20 May 2022. Serena Zucchi from ASLTO3 (IT) and Andrea Anzanello from Pixel (IT) presented to the current situation of all the activities.
During the meeting, project partners had the chance to discuss common doubts and ask questions to have a clear idea of the activities to be done by the end of the project.
A major common decision is that the partnership agreed that an extension of 3 months will be asked to the Italian National Agency to have more time to develop the Intellectual Outputs keeping the quality of the results.


Conference on Ethical Issues

The Instituto de Etica Clinica Francisco Valles (IECFV) organised an online conference for healthcare professionals of the Public Body Madrid Salud. Madrid Salud leads the health care services administrated by the Mayoralty of Madrid. The conference was focused on the ethical issues relate to the care of people with dementia. The conferences disseminated the results of thematic analysis of data related to the ethical aspects of MOOC. The session was concluded with a 15 minutes of Q&A.



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The MOOC of the MYH4D project is now online and usable. In the next months, project partners will keep checking its functionalities and improve them by testing it with end-users.


Article on the Slovenian Newspaper "Delo"

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ZDUS journalist from the leading national newspaper Delo took part in the online discussion around dementia we had for the IO2 activity in December. The discussion was led by Nika Tajnistvo (from ZDUS).
The article gives an overview of the project, with a special focus on the MOOC content, providing the link to the MOOC for the online leaders and comments from our participants.


Development of the Community of Practice

Project partners are now developing the contents of the future Community of Practice.
There is still lots of work to be done, but partners are doing their best to have nice and useful material!
More updates in the next months.


Training Activity

The Training Activity took place in the week 20 - 24 September 2021 in Pinerolo (IT) and 12 staff of the project partners expert in dementia were involved.
The partners had time to visit the Italian health system that deals with persons with dementia and at the same time to discuss the material produced so far related to the MOOC, in order to reach a final version.


Happy summer holidays!

The MYH4D partnership wishes you a pleasant and relaxing summer holiday!
We will be ready to get to work again in September!


Community of Practice

The partners had an online meeting to start working on the structure and the function of the second Intellectual Output which consists of a Community of Practice addressed to adult educators, people with dementia and their caregivers and experts in the field of dementia. In the next months, the material will be produced by the project partners and uploaded on the Community of Practice.


First version of the MOOC

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The first version of the MOOC is online and accessible from the MYH4d website. The project partners are still working on some aspects related to its structure to be user-friendly and to its contents. The final version of the MOOC will be ready around October 2021 after the Training Activity in Pinerolo (IT) where the project partners will discuss the final matters of the course.


Second Meeting of the MYH4D project

The Second partners’ meeting was held online on 10-11 May 2021. Serena Zucchi from ASLTO3 (IT) and Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) presented to the activities carried out so far by the partners. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation and the next activities which are the creation of the contents for the MOOC and the definition of the structure of the Community of Practice for adult educators.



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ZDUS, partner of the MYH4D project, is a member of the EUROCARERS associations. They had the opportunity to perfomr an interivew speaking about the aims and the future results of the project.


"Be Connected" MOOC - Module 2: Experience how to protect our mental health from dementia and cognitive decline

Zorg Kortrijk (BE), in collaboration with the other project partners, is working on the literature review and the collection of interviews for the development of the Module 2: Experience how to protect our mental health from dementia and cognitive decline of the "Be connected"M.O.O.C.


"Be Connected" MOOC - Module 1: Experience “to be nuts”

ASL TO3 (IT), in collaboration with the other project partners, is working on the literature review and the collection of interviews for the development of the Module 1: Experience “to be nuts” of the "Be connected"M.O.O.C.


Involvement of Associated Partners

Different organizations interested in health issues are being contacted to join the project as they share the project objectives and are willing to contribute to their achievement.

Find out more information on the involved associated partners.


MYH4D project - Kick off meeting

The Kick-off meeting was held online on 19 - 20 November 2020. Serena Zucchi and Lorenzo Martellini presented the project and the activities to be carried out to the partners. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to get to know each other and to discuss all details related to the project's activities. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation, the financial rules and the next activity which is the definition of the Table of Contents of the MOOC and the identificatio of a Literature Review.


MYH4D Project

The European project entitled MYH4D – Move your Hands for Dementia was written and coordinated by Pixel in cooperation with the project applicant and scientific coordinator Azienda Sanitaria Locale TO3 based in Turin (Italy). The project was funded by the European Commission through the Italian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, KA2 - Strategic Partnerships for Adult Education. The aim of the MYH4D is to support adult educators in helping health carers dealing with relatives with dementia and their families.

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