This project (2020-1-IT02-KA204-079434) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Type of Institution
Center of Adult Education (Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs)
Nelson Mandelaplein 1, 8500 Kortrijk
Belgium (BE)
Name contact
Number of Persons involved:
Age Range:
Number of educators involved:
Age Range:
Number of caregivers involved:
Age Range:
Description of the organization
We are a center for adult education, recognized by the Ministry of Education of Flanders. Our working area is West Flanders. We have more than 20 lesson locations throughout the province. Our mission is: "to strengthen and enrich people". We have a varied range of training courses: various language courses, Dutch for foreign speakers, technology, ICT, cooking classes, and health care courses (e.g. childcare, health care professional for the elderly or in hospitals, educator for people with disabilities of in youth care). Some courses are more like a personal enrichment for the student. Other courses are diploma- and profesionnal oriented. All our courses are at HBO4- level. We have around 310 employees and 8000 students.

We have many years of experience in health care education. We are well known by organizations and we have a wide network in the healthcare sector. We work in a competence-oriented way. Our courses are very practical, with a lot of workplace learning. We have built up expertise in blended learning in as good as all our health care courses.
How the organisation will contribute to the dissemination and exploitation of the project results
- We will provide critical feedback on the material developed during the project, both substantive feedback and feedback with regard tot the didactic approach and the used methodology.
- In October 2021, at least 10 of our teachers who are involved in the healthcare training course will receive training using the developed tool.
- We are looking for possibilities to integrate the developed material in an open training offer for professionals and/or informal carers in the spring of 2022.
- We will participate in the dissemination that will take place in September 2022.

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